Healing Salve
Healing Salve
per item
This fast-acting and soothing healing salve tackles minor cuts, scrapes, skin conditions, and irritations. Gently wash the horse's affected area, then apply twice daily for the fastest results by massaging this natural salve into the wound.
8 oz.
Pick your essential oil(s) and type them into the text box below. If you pick more than one essential oil, separate by a comma. There is no aded charge.
8 oz.
Pick your essential oil(s) and type them into the text box below. If you pick more than one essential oil, separate by a comma. There is no aded charge.
- Bergamot (relives itchy skin, and insect bites, and improves the morale of moody mares)
- Thyme (to treat fungus and bacterial infections)
- Eucalyptus (decreases inflammation and treats fungus)
- Geranium (soothes bug bites and repels bugs)
- Frankincense (soothes the mind of anxious horses)